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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2010Ψυχική Υγεία: Σύγχρονες προσεγγίσεις - Προβληματισμοί, Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις, 4η ΕκδήλωσηΚαρύδη, Μαρία Βερονίκη; Οικονόμου - Λαλιώτη, Μαρίνα; Ζέρβα, Αθανασία; Χειλάκος, Ιωάννης; Κατσιγιάννης, Θανάσης; Σκόρδος, Λεονάρδος
Open access
2010Η ψυχοκοινωνική αποκατάσταση και το βίωμα της νόσου των ατόμων με ψυχιατρικά προβλήματαΚαρύδη, Μαρία Βερονίκη
Open access
2012H νόσος Alzheimer και συναφείς εκφυλιστικές παθήσεις – Σύγχρονες εξελίξεις στην έρευνα, Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις, 2η ΕκδήλωσηΣκρέτας, Γιώργος; Ευθυμιόπουλος, Σπυρίδων; Βεκρέλλης, Κωνσταντίνος
Open access
2013Estrogen receptor beta 2 is associated with poor prognosis in estrogen receptor alpha-negative breast carcinomaChantzi N.I.; Tiniakos D.G.; Palaiologou M.; Goutas N.; Filippidis T.; Vassilaros S.D.; Dhimolea E.; Mitsiou D.J.; Alexis M.N.
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2013Pharmacoproteomic study of the natural product Ebenfuran III in DU-145 prostate cancer cells: The quantitative and temporal interrogation of chemically induced cell death at the protein levelRoumeliotis T.I.; Halabalaki M.; Alexi X.; Ankrett D.; Giannopoulou E.G.; Skaltsounis A.-L.; Sayan B.S.; Alexis M.N.; Townsend P.A.; Garbis S.D.
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2013Peltogynoids and 2-phenoxychromones from peltophorum pterocarpum and evaluation of their estrogenic activityPolasek J.; Queiroz E.F.; Marcourt L.; Meligova A.K.; Halabalaki M.; Skaltsounis A.-L.; Alexis M.N.; Prajogo B.; Wolfender J.-L.; Hostettmann K.
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2014Perinatal exposure to low-dose bisphenol A affects the neuroendocrine stress response in ratsPanagiotidou E.; Zerva S.; Mitsiou D.J.; Alexis M.N.; Kitraki E.
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2015Estrogen receptors β1 and β2 are associated with distinct responses of estrogen receptor α-positive breast carcinoma to adjuvant endocrine therapyDhimolea E.; Tiniakos D.G.; Chantzi N.T.; Goutas N.; Vassilaros S.D.; Mitsiou D.J.; Alexis T.N.
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2016Phytochemical study and biological evaluation of chemical constituents of Platanus orientalis and Platanus × acerifolia budsThai Q.D.; Tchoumtchoua J.; Makropoulou M.; Boulaka A.; Meligova A.K.; Mitsiou D.J.; Mitakou S.; Michel S.; Halabalaki M.; Alexis M.N.; Skaltsounis L.A.
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2016Estrogenic activity of isoflavonoids from the stem bark of the tropical tree Amphimas pterocarpoides, a source of traditional medicinesTchoumtchoua J.; Makropoulou M.; Ateba S.B.; Boulaka A.; Halabalaki M.; Lambrinidis G.; Meligova A.K.; Mbanya J.C.; Mikros E.; Skaltsounis A.-L.; Mitsiou D.J.; Njamen D.; Alexis M.N.
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2016Towards an Athens Comprehensive Cancer Center (ACCC)Γρηγορίου, Βασίλης Γ.; Fotakis, Costas; Roggenkamp, Alexander; Harald zur Hausen; Martin, Eike; Puchta, Josef; Glimm, Hanno; Πίντζας, Αλέξανδρος; Dimopoulos, Meletios-Athanasios; Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia; Sauer, Sandra
Open access
2016Welcome remarks at the "Towards an Athens Comprehensive Cancer Center (ACCC)" conferenceΓρηγορίου, Βασίλης Γ.; Fotakis, Costas; Roggenkamp, Alexander
Open access
2016Founding a CCC: History and Challenges from the perspective of the former CEO of the Heidelberg University Hospital regarding the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT)Martin, Eike
Open access
2016Founding a CCC: Requirements and Challenges for a Successful Administrative Management – from the perspective of the Administration of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)Puchta, Josef
Open access
2016Cancer Prevention - exemplified by the role of infections in malignanciesHarald zur Hausen
Open access
2016Athens Comprehensive Cancer Center (ACCC)-an introductionΓρηγορίου, Βασίλης Γ.; Dimopoulos, Meletios-Athanasios; Πίντζας, Αλέξανδρος
Open access
2016The role of diagnostic imaging units within a CCCDimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia
Open access
2016National Center for Tumor Diseases – Key Facts & Latest Research ActivitiesGlimm, Hanno
Open access
2016Latest results in multiple myelomas: collaborative studies DKFZ-NCTSauer, Sandra
Open access
2019Biological evaluation of isoflavonoids from Genista halacsyi using estrogen-target cells: Activities of glucosides compared to aglyconesFokialakis N.; Alexi X.; Aligiannis N.; Boulaka A.; Meligova A.K.; Lambrinidis G.; Kalpoutzakis E.; Pratsinis H.; Cheilari A.; Mitsiou D.J.; Mitakou S.; Alexis M.N.
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