Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 15 από 15
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2006 | Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean co-operation in the FP: The example of the Euro-MedaNet | Σαχίνη, Εύη | |
| 2008 | Τεχνολογίες διαλειτουργικής διαχείρισης & πρόσβασης σε πολιτιστικό περιεχόμενο | Κόλλιας, Στέφανος | |
| 2011 | Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης: Έκθεση δραστηριοτήτων 2010-2011 | - | |
| 2018 | Διεθνές Συνέδριο “Open Scholarly Communication in Europe: Addressing the Coordination Challenge” - Day1 | Τσουκαλά, Βικτωρία; Mounier, Pierre; Ferwerda, Eelco; Stone, Graham; Angelaki, Marina; Kaiser, Michael; Maryl, Maciej; Giglia, Elena; Delfim, Leao; Stojanovski, Jadranka; Heinemann, Elisabeth; Gingold, Arnaud; Sougioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Fund, Sven; Montgomery, Lucy; Bjørnshauge, Lars; Dumouchel, Suzanne; Willinsky, John | |
| 2018 | Funding Opportunities to Support Open Scholarly Communication | Bjørnshauge, Lars; Dumouchel, Suzanne; Τσουκαλά, Βικτωρία | |
| 2018 | Keynote: Open Science in Europe | Τσουκαλά, Βικτωρία | |
| 2018 | Poster Session: What is at stake? Presentation of OPERAS working groups’ White Papers | Heinmann, Elisabeth; Gingold, Arnaud; Sougioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Fund, Sven; Ferwerda, Eelco; Delfim, Leao; Montgomery, Lucy | |
| 2018 | Scholarly E-Infrastructures Across Europe: Models of Coordination | Ferwerda, Eelco; Stone, Graham; Angelaki, Marina; Kaiser, Michael; Mounier, Pierre; Maryl, Maciej; Giglia, Elena; Delfim, Leao; Stojanovski, Jadranka | |
| 2018 | Designing an Infrastructure for Opena Scholarly Communication: OPERAS-D Finding | Mounier, Pierre | |
| 2018 | Welcome speeches “Open Scholarly Communication in Europe: Addressing the Coordination Challenge” | Angelaki, Marina; Mounier, Pierre | |
| 2018 | Keynote: A View from America (Canada) | Willinsky, John | |
| 2018 | Flipping Journals or Changing the System? The Need for Coordination | Lafait, Jacques; Pieper, Dirk; Saskia de Vries | |
| 2018 | EOSC. The Vertical Coordination Problem | Manola, Natalia; Dovey, Matthew; Lecarpentier, Damien; Romary, Laurent | |
| 2018 | Keynote: A View from America (Brazil) | Packer, Abel | |
| 2018 | Conclusions at “Open Scholarly Communication in Europe: Addressing the Coordination Challenge” | Mounier, Pierre; Angelaki, Marina | |