Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 10 από 10
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2002 | Block copolymers with crystalline/amorphous, crystalline/polyelectrolyte and amorphous/polyelectrolyte blocks | Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Siakali-Kioulafa, E.; Hadjichristidis, N.; Μαυρομούστακος, Θωμάς | |
| 2002 | Evaluation of siloxane and polyhedral silsesquioxane copolymers for 157 nm lithography | Bellas, V.; Tegou, E.; Raptis, I.; Gogolides, E.; Argitis, P.; Iatrou, H.; Hadjichristidis, N.; Σαραντοπούλου, Ευαγγελία; Κεφαλάς, Αλκιβιάδης Κωνσταντίνος | |
| 2004 | Micelles of poly(isoprene-b-2-vinylpyridine-b-ethylene oxide) terpolymers in aqueous media and their interaction with surfactants | Koutalas, G.; Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Hadjichristidis, N. | |
| 2005 | Linear and non-linear triblock terpolymers. Synthesis, self-assembly in selective solvents and in bulk | Hadjichristidis, N.; Iatrou, H.; Pitsikalis, M.; Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Avgeropoulos, A. | |
| 2005 | Magnetic field induced orientation in diblock copolymers with one crystallizable block | Grigorova, T.; Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Hadjichristidis, N.; Thurn-Albrecht, T. | |
| 2006 | Crystallization of block copolymers in restricted cylindrical geometries | Vasilev, C.; Reiter, G.; Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Hadjichristidis, N. | |
| 2006 | Designed block copolymers for ordered polymeric nanostructures | Hadjichristidis, N.; Πίσπας, Στέργιος | |
| 2006 | Modifying the rheological behavior of associative triblock copolymers in aqueous media through surfactant additives | Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Vlassopoulos, D.; Fytas, G.; Loppinet, B.; Hadjichristidis, N. | |
| 2007 | pH-responsive aggregates from double hydrophilic block copolymers carrying zwitterionic groups. Encapsulation of antiparasitic compounds for the treatment of leishmaniasis | Karanikolopoulos, N.; Pitsikalis, M.; Hadjichristidis, N.; Georgikopoulou, K.; Καλογεροπούλου, Θεοδώρα; Dunlap, J. R. | |
| 2007 | Controlling the colloidal behavior of styrene-isoprene diblock copolymers by selective end functionalization | Sotiriou, K.; Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Hadjichristidis, N. | |