Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 2 από 2
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2020 | The penetrance of aortic arch defects in 22q11DS can be modulated by dietary vitamin A levels and is dependent on the maternal genotype | Amengual-Cladera, E.; Medina Chavez, D. ; Lynton Pons, E. ; Sureda Horrach, P.; Asensio Landa, V. J. ; Rocha, J.; Ruiz Rodriguez, J.; Tubau, A.; Juan, M.; Lania, G.; Bilio, M.; Baldini, A.; Ruiz Guerra, L.; Vives Bauza, C.; Logotheti, M.; Pilalis, E.; Chatziioannou, A. ; Heine Suñer, D. | |
| 2022 | Association between fat-soluble vitamins and self-reported health status: A cross-sectional analysis of the MARK-AGE cohort | Stokes, Caroline Sarah; Weber, Daniela; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Stuetz, Wolfgang; Moreno-Villanueva, María; Dollé, Martijn E T; Jansen, Eugène; Gonos, Efstathios S. ; Bernhardt, Jürgen; Grubeck-Loebenstein, Beatrix; Fiegl, Simone; Sikora, Ewa; Toussaint, Olivier; Debacq-Chainiaux, Florence; Capri, Miriam; Hervonen, Antti; Slagboom, P Eline; Breusing, Nicolle; Frank, Jan; Bürkle, Alexander; Franceschi, Claudio; Grune, Tilman | |