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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 11 από 11
ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
1989'Imagined Communities' and the origins of the national question in the BalkansΚιτρομηλίδης, Πασχάλης
Metadata only
2010Οι περιηγητές και ο ελληνικός ορθόδοξος κόσμος (15ος-19ος αιώνας)Βιγγοπούλου, Ιόλη
Open access
2011Relevance or Irrelevance of Nationalism? A Perspective from the Eastern MediterraneanΚιτρομηλίδης, Πασχάλης
Restricted access
2017Modern science and orthodox tradition. An uneasy relationship?: Science and orthodoxy around the world: 1st international conference, 1st EventΓρηγορίου, Βασίλης Γ.; Νικολαΐδης, Ευθύμιος; Κόλιας, Ταξιάρχης; Chatzinikolaou, Nikolaos; Horujy, Sergey; Shea, William; Dimitrova, Nina; Stavinschi, Magdalena; Knight, Christopher; Thermos, Vassilios; Kalaitzidis, Pantelis
Open access
2017Modern science and orthodox tradition. An uneasy relationship?: Science and orthodoxy around the world: 1st international conference, 2nd EventCostache, Doru; Kiryanov, Dmitry; Kopeikin, Kyrill; Griniezakis, Makarios; Makrides, Vasilios; Postnikov, Alexey; Stevanović, Aleksandra; İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin; Numbers, Ronald; Νικολαΐδης, Ευθύμιος; Woloschak, Gayle; Nesteruk, Alexey
Open access
2018Orthodox christianity and the reassessment of scientific knowledge: Science and orthodoxy around the world: 2nd international conference-
Metadata only
2018Orthodox christianity and the reassessment of scientific knowledge: Science and orthodoxy around the world: 2nd international conference, 1st EventAntonarakis, Stylianos; Costache, Doru; Woloschak, Gayle; Nicolescu, Basarab; Boboc, Jean; Horuzhiy, Sergey; Demidov, Sergey
Open access
2018Conquering death through radical life extension: A challenge for and to orthodox christian ethicsHamalis, Paraskevas
Open access
2018Orthodoxy and future scienceStratan, Gheorghe
Open access
2018Round tableBrooke, John Hedley; Costache, Doru; Knight, Christopher; Yerxa, Donald
Open access
2018Orthodox christianity and the reassessment of scientific knowledge: Science and orthodoxy around the world: 2nd international conference, 2nd EventNicolaidis, Argyrios; Stratan, Gheorghe; Staune, Jean; Nesteruk, Alexey V.; Hamalis, Paraskevas; Jevremovic, Petar; Brooke, John Hedley; Costache, Doru; Knight, Christopher; Yerxa, Donald
Open access