Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 12 από 12
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 1996 | Η νομισματοκοπία της Ρωμαϊκής αποικίας του Δίου | Κρεμύδη-Σισιλιάνου, Σοφία | |
| 1997 | The Coinage of Kea. | Papageorgiadou-Banis, Charikleia | |
| 2003 | The Apadana coin hoards, Darius I, and the West | Ζουρνατζή, Αντιγόνη | |
| 2006 | Agoranomia: studies in money and exchange presented to John H. Krolle | - | |
| 2012 | Coinage, Near East | Zournatzi, Antigoni | |
| 2017 | The Vouni Treasure and monetary practices in Cyprus in the Persian period | Ζουρνατζή, Αντιγόνη | |
| 2018 | ‘Autonomous’ Coinages under the Late Antigonids | Kremydi, Sophia | |
| 2019 | Alexanders under the Late Antigonids | Kremydi, Sophia; Marcellesi, Marie-Christine | |
| 2021 | From the Antigonids to the Romans: Macedonia and Thessaly in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC | Kremydi, Sophia | |
| 2021 | Macedonia and Histiaia: Political and economic relations | Kremydi, Sophia | |
| 2022 | The Interface between East and West in Hoards from Southern Greece and Macedonia | Kremydi, Sophia; Iakovidou, Athena | |
| 2022 | Review of: Albana Meta, Le monnayage d’argent de Dyrrachion. 375-60/55 av. J.-C., Recherches archéologiques franco-albanaises 1, Paris/Athènes: École française d’Athènes, 2015. | Kremydi, Sophia | |