Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 8 από 8
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 1998 | On the intellectual content of Greek nationalism: Paparrigopoulos, Byzantium and the Great Idea | Κιτρομηλίδης, Πασχάλης | |
| 1999 | Documenta Veneta Coroni & Methoni Rogata. Euristica e critica documentaria per gli oculi capitales Communis Veneciarum (secoli XIV-XV). Vol. I. Documenta a presbiteris et notariis castellanorum capellanis rogata. Pars prima: Antonius Paulo, Lucianus Girardo, Marcus Marzella, “Iohanness Bono” nec non Antonius de Vatazis | Nanetti, Andrea | |
| 2006 | The Byzantine-Αvar cooperation against the Slavs (578) | Καρδαράς, Γεώργιος | |
| 2011 | The Settlement of the Croats and Serbs on the Balkans in the Frame of the Byzantine-Avar Conflicts | Καρδαράς, Γεώργιος | |
| 2015 | International conference "Science and Religion" | - | |
| 2015 | Presentation of Narses results: Science and eastern orthodoxy, 4th-16th c. | Νικολαΐδης, Ευθύμιος; Delli, Eudoxie; Livanos, Nikolaos; Caudano, Anne Laurence | |
| 2022 | Metropolitan Kallistos: Emotions and the Passions in Patristic Tradition and in Modern Psychology | Tsironis, Niki J. | |
| 2022 | ’Speaking Ceramics’: Bacini as Containers of Hidden Messages and Expressions of Memory | Γιαγκάκη, Αναστασία Γ. | |