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Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 11 από 11
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2013Novel approach for lysozyme detection employing block copolymer overlayers on plastic optical fibersAthanasekos L.; Aspiotis N.; El Sachat A.; Pispas S.; Riziotis C.
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2016Calorimetric study on pH-responsive block copolymer grafted lipid bilayers: rational design and development of liposomesPippa N.; Chountoulesi M.; Kyrili A.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.
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2016A dual-stimuli-responsive polymer into phospholipid membranes: A thermotropic approachKolman I.; Pippa N.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.
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2017Morphological diversity of block copolymer/lipid chimeric nanostructuresNaziris N.; Pippa N.; Chrysostomou V.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.; Libera M.; Trzebicka B.
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2017Design and development of pH-sensitive liposomes by evaluating the thermotropic behavior of their chimeric bilayersKyrili A.; Chountoulesi M.; Pippa N.; Meristoudi A.; Pispas S.; Demetzos C.
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2018Effects of subphase pH, temperature and ionic strength on the aggregation behavior of PnBA-b-PAA at the air/water interfaceWang Y.; Wen G.; Pispas S.; Yang S.; You K.
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2019Effects of spreading and subphase conditions on the interfacial behavior of an amphiphilic copolymer poly(n-butylacrylate)-b-poly(acrylic acid)Yang S.; Wen G.; Pispas S.; You K.
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2019Stimuli-responsive lyotropic liquid crystalline nanosystems with incorporated poly(2-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate)-b-poly(lauryl methacrylate) amphiphilic block copolymerChountoulesi M.; Pippa N.; Chrysostomou V.; Pispas S.; Chrysina E.D.; Forys A.; Otulakowski L.; Trzebicka B.; Demetzos C.
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2020Poly(2‐(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)‐b‐poly(hydroxypropyl methacrylate) copolymers/bovine serum albumin complexes in aqueous solutionsSentoukas, Theodore; Pispas, Stergios
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2021Influences of subphase pH and temperature on the interfacial aggregation behavior of poly(lauryl methacrylate)-block-poly(methacrylic acid)Jiang, Kun; Wen, Gangyao; Skandalis, Athanasios; Pispas, Stergios; Ding, Yanping; Chen, Hongxu
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2022Interfacial aggregation behavior of triblock terpolymersHe, Guanying; Wen, Gangyao; Skandalis, Athanasios; Pispas, Stergios; Liu, Dongxue; Zhang, Wang
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