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2013Structure-property correlations in highly modified Sr, Mn-borate glassesWinterstein-Beckmann A.; Möncke D.; Palles D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2013Formation of an outer borosilicate glass layer on Late Bronze Age Mycenaean blue vitreous relief fragmentsMöncke D.; Palles D.; Zacharias N.; Kaparou M.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2013Thermal collapse of SAPO-34 molecular sieve towards a perfect glassWondraczek L.; Gao G.; Möncke D.; Selvam T.; Kuhnt A.; Schwieger W.; Palles D.; Kamitsos E.I.
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2014Partitioning and structural role of Mn and Fe ions in ionic sulfophosphate glassesMöncke D.; Sirotkin S.; Stavrou E.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2014A Raman-spectroscopic study of indentation-induced structural changes in technical alkali-borosilicate glasses with varying silicate network connectivityWinterstein-Beckmann A.; Möncke D.; Palles D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2014Raman spectroscopic study of structural changes induced by micro-indentation in low alkali borosilicate glassesWinterstein-Beckmann A.; Möncke D.; Palles D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2015On the connectivity of borate tetrahedra in borate and borosilicate glassesMöncke D.; Tricot G.; Winterstein-Beckmann A.; Wondraczek L.; Kamitsos E.I.
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2015Structure and properties of orthoborate glasses in the Eu2O3-(Sr,Eu)O-B2O3 quaternaryWinterstein-Beckmann A.; Möncke D.; Palles D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2015Structure and properties of alkali and silver sulfophosphate glassesThieme A.; Möncke D.; Limbach R.; Fuhrmann S.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2015Ultrashort pulse induced modification in ULE - from nanograting formation to laser darkeningRichter S.; Möncke D.; Zimmermann F.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.; Tünnermann A.; Nolte S.
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2016Transition and post-transition metal ions in borate glasses: Borate ligand speciation, cluster formation, and their effect on glass transition and mechanical propertiesMöncke D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Palles D.; Limbach R.; Winterstein-Beckmann A.; Honma T.; Yao Z.; Rouxel T.; Wondraczek L.
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2016Structure and mechanical properties of copper-lead and copper-zinc borate glassesYao Z.Y.; Möncke D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Houizot P.; Célarié F.; Rouxel T.; Wondraczek L.
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2017Formation, structure and properties of fluoro-sulfo-phosphate poly-anionic glassesLe Q.H.; Palenta T.; Benzine O.; Griebenow K.; Limbach R.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2017Mixed-modifier effect in (Ca,Mg) metaphosphate glassesGriebenow K.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2017Modifying the surface wetting behavior of soda-lime silicate glass substrates through thermal polingLind F.; Palles D.; Möncke D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2017Transition-metal incorporation and Co-Sr/Mn-Sr mixed-modifier effect in metaphosphate glassesGriebenow K.; Hoppe U.; Möncke D.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2018Mixed-modifier effect in alkaline earth metaphosphate glassesGriebenow K.; Bragatto C.B.; Kamitsos E.I.; Wondraczek L.
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2018Copper-based opaque red glasses – Understanding the colouring mechanism of copper nanoparticles in archaeological glass samplesDrünert F.; Blanz M.; Pollok K.; Pan Z.; Wondraczek L.; Möncke D.
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2018Ancient Roman nano-technology: Insight into the manufacture of mosaic tesserae opacified by calcium antimonateDrünert F.; Palamara E.; Zacharias N.; Wondraczek L.; Möncke D.
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2018Femtosecond laser-induced transformations in ultra-low expansion glass: Microstructure and local density variations by vibrational spectroscopyEfthimiopoulos I.; Palles D.; Richter S.; Hoppe U.; Möncke D.; Wondraczek L.; Nolte S.; Kamitsos E.I.
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