Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 12 από 12
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 1997 | The structure of glycogen phosphorylase b with an alkyl-dihydropyridine-dicarboxylic acid compound, a novel and potent inhibitor | Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Tsitsanou, K. E.; Λεωνίδας, Δημήτρης Δ.; Χρυσίνα, Ευαγγελία Δ.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Bischoff, H.; Goldmann, S.; Watson, K. A.; Johnson, L. N. | |
| 1997 | The crystal structure of a phosphorylase kinase peptide substrate complex: kinase substrate recognition | Lowe, E. D.; Noble, M. E. M.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Owen, D. J.; Johnson, L. N. | |
| 1998 | Cooperative interactions of the catalytic nucleophile and the catalytic acid in the inhibition of beta-glycosidases. Calculations and their validation by comparative kinetic and structural studies of the inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase b | Heightman, T. D.; Vasella, A.; Tsitsanou, K. E.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ. | |
| 1999 | Molecular recognition in glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor design | Tsitsanou, K. E.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ. | |
| 1999 | Effects of commonly used cryoprotectants on glycogen phosphorylase activity and structure | Tsitsanou, K. E.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Gregoriou, M.; Watson, K. A.; Johnson, L. N.; Fleet, G. W. J. | |
| 1999 | Allosteric inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase a by the potential antidiabetic drug 3-isopropyl 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-1-ethyl-2-methyl-pyridine-3,5,6-tricarbox ylate | Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Tsitsanou, K. E.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Goldmann, S.; Bischoff, H. | |
| 2000 | A new allosteric site in glycogen phosphorylase b as a target for drug interactions | Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Tsitsanou, K. E.; Gavalas, N. G.; Johnson, L. N. | |
| 2000 | Kinetic characterization of the double mutant R148A/E182S of glycogen phosphorylase kinase catalytic subunit: The role of the activation loop | Skamnaki, V. T.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ. | |
| 2000 | Structural basis of the synergistic inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase a by caffeine and a potential antidiabetic drug | Tsitsanou, K. E.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ. | |
| 2000 | Flavopiridol inhibits glycogen phosphorylase by binding at the inhibitor site | Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Schnier, J. B.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Tsitsanou, K. E.; Johnson, L. N. | |
| 2002 | Kinetic and crystallographic studies of glucopyranosylidene spirothiohydantoin binding to glycogen phosphorylase B | Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Osz, E.; Szilagyi, L.; Somsak, L.; Docsa, T.; Toth, B.; Gergely, P. | |
| 2002 | The 1.76 angstrom resolution crystal structure of glycogen phosphorylase B complexed with glucose, and CP320626, a potential antidiabetic drug | Οικονομάκος, Νίκος Γ.; Ζωγράφος, Σπύρος Ε.; Skamnaki, V. T.; Archontis, G. | |