Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 4 από 4
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 1993 | Human Lung and Bladder-Carcinoma Tumors as Compared to Their Adjacent Normal Tissue Have Elevated Ap-1 Activity Associated with the Retinoblastoma Gene Promoter | Linardopoulos, S.; Papadakis, E.; Delakas, D.; Theodosiou, V.; Cranidis, A.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α. | |
| 1994 | Human lung, bladder and head and neck tumors as compared to their adjacent normal tissues have elevated AP-1 activity and recognize sequence elements of HIV-1 LTR | Ζουμπουρλής, Βασίλης; Papadakis, E.; Delakas, D.; Cranidis, A.; Segas, J.; Papadakis, H.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α. | |
| 1994 | Genomic Instability and Loh at 2 Polymorphic Sites in the H-Ras1 Gene | Kotsinas, A.; Vageli, D.; Varakliotou, A.; Anezinis, P.; Cranidis, A.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α. | |
| 1996 | Transcriptional activation of H-ras, K-ras and N-ras proto-oncogenes in human bladder tumors | Vageli, D.; Kiaris, H.; Delakas, D.; Anezinis, P.; Cranidis, A.; Σπαντίδος, Δημήτριος Α. | |