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ΤύποςΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΔημιουργόςΠλήρες κείμενο
2000Aging and longevity - A paradigm of complementation between homeostatic mechanisms and genetic control?Petropoulou, C.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Simoes, D.; Agiostratidou, G.; Drosopoulos, N.; Kotsota, V.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2000Fibroblast cultures from healthy centenarians have an active proteasomeΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Petropoulos, I.; Franceschi, C.; Friguet, B.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2001Correlation of in vitro cytotoxicity and clinical response to chemotherapy in ovarian and breast cancer patientsAgiostratidou, G.; Sgouros, I.; Galani, E.; Voulgari, A.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Samantas, E.; Dimopoulos, M. A.; Skarlos, D.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2002Protein degradation during aging: the lysosome-, the calpain- and the proteasome-dependent cellular proteolytic systemsΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Fragoulis, E. G.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2003Central role of the proteasome in senescence and survival of human fibroblasts - Induction of a senescence-like phenotype upon its inhibition and resistance to stress upon its activationΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Stratford, F. L. L.; Τρουγκάκος, Ιωάννης Π.; Friguet, B.; Rivett, A. J.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2003Central role of the proteasome in senescence and survival of human fibroblastsΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Τρουγκάκος, Ιωάννης Π.; Stratford, F. L. L.; Friguet, B.; Rivett, A. J.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2004Alterations of senescence biomarkers in human cells by exposure to CrVI in vivo and in vitroKatsiki, M.; Τρουγκάκος, Ιωάννης Π.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Alexopoulos, E. C.; Makropoulos, V.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2004Cloning of differentially expressed genes in skin fibroblasts from centenariansΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Simoes, D. D. M.; Franceschi, C.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2004Proteasome inhibition induces a senescence-like phenotype in primary human fibroblasts culturesΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2005Overexpression of proteasome beta(5) subunit increases the amount of assembled proteasome and confers ameliorated response to oxidative stress and higher survival ratesΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Tzavelas, C.; Pemberton, A. J.; Nezis, I. P.; Rivett, A. J.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2005Overexpression of proteasome beta 5 subunit increases amount of assembled proteasome and confers ameliorated response to oxidative stress and higher survival ratesΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2005Proteasome dysfunction in mammalian aging: Steps and factors involvedΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2006The effects of proteasome manipulation in ageing, survival and longevityΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2006Proteasome response to interferon-gamma is altered in senescent human fibroblastsStratford, F. L. L.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Τρουγκάκος, Ιωάννης Π.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος; Rivett, A. J.
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2007The olive constituent oleuropein exhibits proteasome stimulatory properties in vitro and confers life span extension of human embryonic fibroblastsKatsiki, M.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Chinou, I.; Rivett, A. J.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2007Overexpression of hUMP1/POMP proteasome accessory protein enhances proteasome-mediated antioxidant defenceΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2008Partial proteasome inhibition triggers p53-dependent premature senescenceΧονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Τρουγκάκος, Ιωάννης Π.; Kletsas, D.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2008Multiple levels of clusterin regulation following proteasome and lysosome inhibitionBalantinou, E.; Τρουγκάκος, Ιωάννης Π.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2008Identification of natural compounds that promote proteasome activation and induce lifespan extensionKapeta, S.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος
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2008Chemical analysis and anti-aging properties of Greek pollenGraikou, K.; Aligiannis, N.; Χονδρογιάννη, Νίκη; Kapeta, S.; Γκόνος, Ευστάθιος; Chinou, I
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