Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 18 από 18
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 2010 | Bending loss and thermo-optic effect of a hybrid PDMS/silica photonic crystal fiber | Markos, Christos; Vlachos, Kyriakos; Κακαράντζας, Γεώργιος | |
| 2011 | Thermo-optic effect of an index guiding photonic crystal fiber with elastomer inclusions | Markos, C.; Vlachos, K.; Κακαράντζας, Γεώργιος | |
| 2013 | Broadband guidance in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber with polymer-filled cladding | Markos C.; Antonopoulos G.; Kakarantzas G. | |
| 2014 | Development of hybrid solid and hollow core photonic crystal fiber with soft glass deposition for infrared light manipulation | Vlachos K.; Vasileiadis T.; Dracopoulos V.; Markos C.; Kakarantzas G.; Yannopoulos S.N. | |
| 2015 | Hybrid silica nanowires with a highly nonlinear glass think coating | Antonopoulos G.; Velanas P.; Psomaki-Karra A.; Riziotis C.; Kakarantzas G. | |
| 2015 | Flat mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in tapered fiber with thin coating of highly nonlinear glass | Velanas P.; Kakarantzas G.; Riziotis C. | |
| 2015 | Η εξέλιξη των υλικών: Η συμβολή των υλικών στην ανάπτυξη του ανθρώπινου πολιτισμού: Παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον, Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις, 4η Εκδήλωση | Κακαράντζας, Γεώργιος; Καρούσης, Νίκος; Γρηγορίου, Βασίλης Γ. | |
| 2015 | Φωτονικά υλικά | Κακαράντζας, Γεώργιος | |
| 2016 | Engineering of composite metallic microfibers towards development of plasmonic devices for sensing applications | Petropoulou A.; Antonopoulos G.; Bastock P.; Craig C.; Kakarantzas G.; Hewak D.W.; Zervas M.N.; Riziotis C. | |
| 2016 | Robust plasmonic tips fabricated by the tapering of composite hybrid silicate microfibers with metallic core | Petropoulou A.; Antonopoulos G.; Bastock P.; Craig C.; Kakarantzas G.; Hewak D.W.; Zervas M.N.; Riziotis C. | |
| 2018 | All-Fiber Plasmonic Platform Based on Hybrid Composite Metal/Glass Microwires | Petropoulou A.; Antonopoulos G.; Bastock P.; Kakarantzas G.; Craig C.; Hewak D.W.; Zervas M.N.; Riziotis C. | |
| 2018 | Ινστιτούτο Θεωρητικής & Φυσικής Χημείας (ΙΘΦΧ): Υλικά και φως [Eκδήλωση για τον εορτασμό των 60 χρόνων από την ίδρυση του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών] | Καμίτσος, Ευστράτιος; Πετσαλάκης, Ιωάννης ; Πίσπας, Στέργιος; Κακαράντζας, Γεώργιος | |
| 2019 | Integration of chiral cellulose nanocrystal films in silica optical fibers | Antonopoulos G.; Kakarantzas G. | |
| 2019 | Design and Implementation of Fiber-embedded Plasmonic Structures in Microwires | Petropoulou A.; Antonopoulos G.; Bastock P.; Kakarantzas G.; Craig C.; Drikakis D.; Hewak D.W.; Zervas M.N.; Riziotis C. | |
| 2020 | Fine, reversible and broadband tuning of the group velocity dispersion of tapered silica fibers in a thermo-optic polymer matrix | Antonopoulos, Grigoris; Bakoglou, Eleftherios; Kakarantzas, George | |
| 2022 | Dynamic Control of Light Chirality with Nanostructured Monolayer Black Phosphorus for Broadband Terahertz Applications | Matthaiakakis, Nikolaos; Droulias, Sotiris; Kakarantzas, George | |
| 2022 | Functionalization of optical fibers: The role of new materials | Antonopoulos, Grigoris ; Bakoglou, Eleftherios ; Kakarantzas, George | |
| 2023 | Dynamic Control of Nonlinearly Generated Light Chirality with Nanostructured Graphene | Matthaiakakis,Nikolaos ; Droulias, Sotiris ; Kakarantzas, George | |