Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 19 από 19
Τύπος | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Δημιουργός | Πλήρες κείμενο |
| 1996 | Reviving Vitruvius - Six Centuries of De Architectura: A Catalogue of Editions at the University of Pennsylvania, MCMXCVI | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα; Lovette, Heidi-Steinmetz; Pastore, Christopher; Robinson, Betsey; Taylor, Laurel; Zanoni, Aileen; Haselberger, Lothar | |
| 2004 | Hills of Philopappos, Pnyx, Nymphs: brief history and tour | Lazaridou, Kalliopi | |
| 2006 | Late Classical and Hellenistic Furniture and Furnishings in the Epigraphical Record | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2006 | Chairs, Beds and Tables: Evidence for Furnished Interiors in Hellenistic Greece | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2007 | A world in miniature: Greek hellenistic miniature furniture in context | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2009 | The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2009 | Η επίπλωση των ύστερων κλασικών και ελληνιστικών οικιών | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2012 | Eternal comfort: funerary textiles in late Classical and Hellenistic Greece | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2015 | Initial Archaeometric Studies of the Marmaritsa Quarry ((Maroneia)and Twelve Thracian Funerary Reliefs in the Komotini Museum (Greece) | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα; Lazzarini, Lorenzo | |
| 2017 | Memories in Stone: Figured Grave Reliefs from Aegean Thrace | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2017 | A Funerary Relief of a ‘Barbarian’ from Soufli in the Alexandroupolis Collection (Greece) | Ανδριανού, Δήμητρα | |
| 2020 | Roman Funerary Reliefs from Aegean Thrace and the Source of their Marbles | Andrianou, Dimitra; Lazzarini, Lorenzo | |
| 2022 | Verbal Representations | Petrakis, Vassilis; Andrianou, Dimitra; Anagnostakis, Ilias | |
| 2022 | Furniture textiles in Classical and Hellenistic iconography | Andrianou, Dimitra | |
| 2022 | A Cultural History of Furniture in Antiquity | - | |
| 2022 | Makers, making and materials | Leontsini, Maria; Petrakis, Vassilis | |
| 2022 | Introduction | Andrianou, Dinitra | |
| 2022 | Exhibition and Display | Petrakis, Vassilis; Turfa, MacIntosh Jean; Andrianou, Dimitra | |
| 2023 | Book Review: Thronos: Historical Grammar of Furniture in Mycenaean and Beyond Edited by Rachele Pierini, Alberto Bernabé, and Marco Ercoles | Andrianou, Dimitra | |